Archived Events

 2014 Events


"Sparrow" by Holly A. SennUndercover Stories: The Secret Lives of Books

February 8–March 22, 2014
Opening Reception: Saturday, February 8, 6–8pm

LinePSBA Members Exhibition Icon without typeThe Puget Sound Book Artists
4th Annual Members Exhibition
June 5th -July 31st 2014
Collins Memorial Library, The University of Puget Sound
Conversation with the Artists
June 19th, 5:30-7:30pm

LineSAWWStadium District Art & Wine Walk
Saturday, August 9th 4:00 – 8:00pm

Lineimage for blog siteThe Tacoma Studio Tours

October 11th & 12th
11:00am -5:00pm

LineSmith-Corona TypewriterTools of The Trade

October 25th, 2014, 10:00-12:00, Room 020
Collins Memorial Library, the University of Puget Sound

Join the Puget Sound Book Artists for a morning dedicated to the tools of the trade.  Learn about the various tools, papers, techniques and printing methods used in the book arts.  View member’s work and take time to browse through books about books to learn more about the wonderful world of Book Arts.


Solo exhibition

Charles Wright Academy

November 8th – December 2nd

Charles Wright Academy



Past  Events 2013

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